New riding arena in San Francisco

Together with our partner, Footing Solutions, we built another riding arena in San Francisco. It is a 2,500 sqm. large outdoor space.

Riding arena irrigation for Ohio

Together with our partner from the USA, the company Footing Solutions USA, we are able to realize a great, large order. We will total 9,500 sq. ft. in Ohio. Mount riding arena irrigation, a 7,500 sqm.

New drip irrigation in Burgdorf

In March, we installed a new drip irrigation system in Burgdorf near Hanover. A great riding arena has been created at Gut Backhausenhof, which is half open and half covered. The project was carried out together with the company BOHLMANN RIDING FLOORS realized from

Eurohorse in Gothenburg

From 24.03. to 28/03/2016 we presented ourselves at the stand of our partner Expåra AB at the Eurohorse in Gothenburg. We would like to thank all customers for their lively interest!

First riding arena irrigation in Sweden

Together with our partner in Sweden, the company Expåra AB from Laholm, we have equipped the first two indoor riding arenas in Sweden with our Active-Aqua riding surface irrigation.

Our new homepage is online!

Welcome to our new homepage Many thanks to the team for the great, fast implementation. 🙂

New order in progress

Together with our partner, the company Bacher Products, we received another order from the United Arab Emirates.